Holding Space for Awakening

I recently returned from a family adventure exploring Vancouver and a small island way up the Sunshine Coast. It was a significant trip in so many ways – the first time we’ve gone anywhere since the twins were born, their first time seeing the ocean, and an important time of connecting with some beautiful people in our lives. Just by chance, I was able to meet one of my teachers, Cheryl Brewster, in person for the first time. We’ve been working together (over the phone) for over 4 years now and I was overjoyed to discover that she lives within walking distance of where we were staying and was available to meet me at her house.

What a joyous and stunning visit we had! It felt like two ancient friends coming together to share notes on intuition, mindfulness and awakening. Cheryl has been such a deep support to me on this path -always encouraging me to trust myself to go deeper and to trust the experiences that I have. So often, even as an intuitive self-inquiry ‘coach’, there can still be a conditioned habit to invalidate (or play down) the reality or worth of my deep spiritual experiences. Maybe this comes from a fear of how I will be perceived by others, or from an uncertainty (the ego’s) of how to navigate life from this place. But in Cheryl’s radiant presence, any questions around what is valid and ‘real’ and what isn’t, fall away. I acknowledged to her how deep our connection felt, despite never having met in person before, and after a moment, she smiled and said ‘that’s what happens when you have two people together who understand that there is only one of us here’.

After talking for a while over tea, we knew the pocket of time for our visit was coming to an end. She had me sit and listen to some incredible music (Paul Armitage). I had a beautiful and unexpected experience that I’d like to share here.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt these two warm hands firmly on my shoulder blades and upper back. I thought maybe it was Cheryl and peeked open my eyes, but there she was sitting on the couch next to me. I told her I felt these hands and a warm presence behind me – was it a spirit guide? (I asked). She told me to just sit with it – I could hear the smile in her voice. The presence of love and warmth behind me started to get so strong and I could feel tears welling up -some part of my ego resisted this energy (almost like a stubbornness – ‘I’m fine, I don’t need this support’). But this love (and I can only describe it as this very present and powerful loving energy) became so strong that something in me collapsed – the tears came rolling down my face and once I fully let this energy envelop me, it became instantly clear that this love was COMING FROM me. It was/is me. It was so familiar and clear – I was left smiling and shaking my head – so grateful for this powerful reminder from my Self.

Cheryl did a blessing for me – welcoming me home to the Here and Now – she said with a twinkle in her eye that we’ve done this (blessing) before many times, and we will again. She is a true master.

We do forget – even after powerful awakening experiences that reveal to us the unshakable truth of what is at our core – we do forget as we get lured back into navigating life from the seemingly necessary reference point of a ‘me’. It seems to be part of this whole process, to remember and know, and then forget and struggle, then remember and touch bliss again, and then forget once again. Each time it seems that the remembering is more powerful and the forgetting isn’t as deep, nor does it last as long. Eventually, we are here to stay.

The task when we remember, is to honour what we are and stay connected to it by keeping our attention on it as we navigate through all the tasks and moments of our daily lives. This is what ‘integration’ is all about…. coming back into our lives, our bodies, our families, our roles while remaining in alignment with the conscious awareness that is at our core – our essential self. Even when we believe or feel we are disconnected from ‘it’ – that feeling of disconnectedness is exactly the place to inquire into so we can see for ourselves what is true, and what isn’t.

As each of us breaks through more subtle layers of conditioning and unconsciousness, our capacity to hold space for each other deepens, which primes the possibility and reality of deeper spiritual openings, self-realization and the evolution of consciousness everywhere.

So thank you Cheryl. You reminded me again that sometimes we need a teacher who understands the depth of what we are poking at to hold the space for us while we freely explore. I don’t doubt that it was your presence and sense of unlimited possibility that allowed this depth of self-recognition to occur … what’s next???? 😉

Conscious Parenting – on-line course with Kathryn Jefferies

Hello friends!!

I am happy to share that Kathryn Jefferies (author of Awake: Education for Enlightenment) and I are developing a ‘conscious parenting’ on-line course.

Our focus is to give parents tools and support to move through the many challenging parenting situations from a more conscious and intelligent place (which in my experience has resulted in an ability to trust myself deeper and experience new levels of joy, freedom and creativity in all aspects of parenting).

We would love to know what kind of interest there is out there. Please comment below if this is something that might interest you and include the main ‘issues/challenges’ you face as a parent that you would like us to address in the course.

We are so excited to create this community and honoured to offer support that can bring a deep level of peace to such a challenging journey. Please respond below or email me a message.

Love and support always, Laura

Practice: Expanding your Awareness

At some point on our journeys of deepening awareness, most of us hit what feels like a few ‘plateaus’ along the way.  A tricky one is where we recognize that we are not our identities, but feel stuck in them nonetheless. This can be a frustrating place to be, because the voice of  ‘you know better, so why are you still so attached to your story?’  can and does arise.  Of course, this voice (from the spiritualized superego) isn’t very helpful and just adds another layer to the ‘story’.  Trying to just detach from our mental bodies – our thoughts, beliefs, ideas, convictions, memories, is a form of denial that never works for long.

I think the most helpful thing I can offer here is to say that it comes back again and again to telling the truth about what’s here.  Not telling about what is here and why it should or shouldn’t be here, or what’s here and how you are going to go about fixing/changing that, but just simply being truthful (and curious) about what’s here.  I have experienced that when we are willing to tell the truth without any judgement, deeper truths are spontaneously revealed that add a richness, depth and clarity (and release and joy!) to our experience of any moment.

How do we go about noticing the truth?  I’ve found it really helpful to start with the ‘external’ world – what or who is around you?  Take a moment to notice things that have always been in that particular space but that you haven’t really looked at before.  Notice the quality of light, temperature, sounds and movements around you… then shift your attention to your physical body – scan it and notice whatever sensations are present (from pain and tension to strength and openness).  Now scan your emotions – what feeling is present?  Is there one?  Has there been one going on in the background today?  Where is it in your body – what narrative is around it? Your role here is to be a ‘listening presence’ that just leans in to check out what is going on…. Now move your attention into your mental body – is your mind racing or calm?  Are you stewing, stressing, planning, fantasizing?  What kind of thoughts are running through your head, what tone of voice do they carry? Just notice. Now see if you can just notice a relaxed alertness that is somehow in the background, taking this all in… the witnessing consciousness.  What happens to your mind when your attention is on this conscious space?

Now see if you can hold all of this in your awareness at once – what happens to your state of being?

This practice is potent.  I notice right now such a difference between the energy of  ‘the me that wants to get things done’ versus the energy of the vast presence of awareness that holds the ‘me’ and everything else.  I can remember when the ‘me’ used to seem so much louder and so much more ‘in command’ than the silent alertness… but that has shifted, and I am certain this constant ‘practice’ – simply of shifting my attention to the silent awareness that is always present, and letting go of ‘looking for anything’ in ‘there’, is the ‘how’.

The presence of that awareness grows. And sweetens. And eventually, it becomes home, and the mind is where I go to, instead of the other way around.

It is no small thing.

Sending love and support always, L.

PS- I will be speaking at the women’s wellness weekend in Revelstoke BC on June 18-19 – Click here to find out more details.