Conscious Parenting – on-line course with Kathryn Jefferies

Hello friends!!

I am happy to share that Kathryn Jefferies (author of Awake: Education for Enlightenment) and I are developing a ‘conscious parenting’ on-line course.

Our focus is to give parents tools and support to move through the many challenging parenting situations from a more conscious and intelligent place (which in my experience has resulted in an ability to trust myself deeper and experience new levels of joy, freedom and creativity in all aspects of parenting).

We would love to know what kind of interest there is out there. Please comment below if this is something that might interest you and include the main ‘issues/challenges’ you face as a parent that you would like us to address in the course.

We are so excited to create this community and honoured to offer support that can bring a deep level of peace to such a challenging journey. Please respond below or email me a message.

Love and support always, Laura