How do we consciously create change in our life situations?

Indeed this can be tricky work.  As I listen to what kind of changes/solutions people are wanting to create in their life, and what kind of actions they believe need to take place to create that change, when they come to me, I essentially suspend their regular ‘operating system’ and point them in a direction that doesn’t seem to create solid and certain ‘solutions’. It can be confusing to the mind – because ultimately, the mind cannot grasp this work – my mind included!

So when I work with people, I realize that I’m asking them to operate from outside of what might be the only operating system they know.  So there can be a feeling of vulnerability, or confusion (maybe even a little inner frustration!) when the usual approach to solving problems, resources, strategies, coping mechanisms, are temporarily not available.  With me, rather than looking at the various circumstances of your life and trying to figure out why you have created certain realities (and how to change them) – I’m nudging your attention away from the deeply conditioned reference point that operates from within a constructed ‘me’. 

When we try to find solutions to our life from within the perspective of this ‘me’ – whatever comes forth will be inherently limited (even though it might be elaborate and brilliant, and could very well ‘work’ for awhile).  The ‘me’ looks for solutions that seem reasonable, or known, or that hold a promise of security or excitement… but it is superficial compared to the deepest conscious intelligence that is always here. Deep conscious intelligence naturally flows from the Truth of what you really are – which is paradoxically unnameable and unknowable, yet vibrantly consciously present.  Deeper ‘solutions’ (which may include a realization that there was only a belief that there was a problem in the first place) become apparent when our attention is turned to this conscious awareness.

 So when we can ‘practice’ letting go of the stressful agenda that is driven by the ‘me’ (which is always about the past and future)- and just see our job as bringing all of our awareness to whatever is actually happening in the moment (as though there is no past or future)- limitless possibilities that the ‘me’ would never be able to see, become visible.

Life is in charge here – and it will bring everything to you including emotions, problems to solve, plans to make, rivers to swim in…. (so whatever comes, your job is to attend to and respond from the seat of conscious awareness – rather than from a ‘me’ that thinks it knows the best answers).

It’s totally different work – but in very little time (actually out of time….) when we start to operate from this totally present, totally fulfilled, totally wise truth of ourself, the very way life is experienced changes significantly. There is no more desperately trying to control or attain, there is just a showing up with the natural, fearless willingness of your great big Heart to engage and enjoy everything openly and fully.  

peace xx

One Reply to “How do we consciously create change in our life situations?”

  1. “so whatever comes, your job is to attend to and respond from the seat of conscious awareness – rather than from a ‘me’ that thinks it knows the best answers.”

    Life is always in the drivers seat 🙂 Thanks for the continued inspiration Laura. Wise words and fantastic post. Thank you for sharing.

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